I like the way this disputes earlier research findings, that interpreted lower heart stroke volumes and output as being due to deconditoning,...
Responses to deleted posts Yes I agree. If ME were an illness where scientists and the medical profession had done everything right by PwME, I...
On the one hand I agree with @Dolphin that retraction might lead to a useful paper being "lost" to further studies, but I also see that there is a...
If you save it first then it can be opened from disc. I had the same problem.
My wife is mild/moderate, and the idea of doing extra exercise to improve fitness is a complete non-starter. She pushes herself hard to her...
Actions not words, is what comes to mind.
I can empathize with this a lot, given it is my wife who has had ME over 10 years now. When we first found out and saw a specialist, we were...
Up until now it seems there has been - just follow the BPS line and classify everything and anything not yet understood as a mental disorder....
I suspect political influence very much extends to "assisting" their chosen favourites to take up influential positions in politicians' chosen...
Given that so little is still known about ME, it is probably easier to identify the groups / sub-groups that ME does not belong to, than precisely...
"self-plagiarism" is an interesting term, and is akin to what so many of the BPS club do; cite their own and close colleagues' work to give the...
No, I've been keeping a weather eye open. I suppose it's possible they did make a decision by end 2018, but just not got around to publishing it...
Hardly surprising, given that Wessely's behaviour always comes across as that of a highly ambitious political animal first and foremost, with...
[My bold] I cannot claim to understand all the fine detail of this, but ... What was different about the first 3 at each centre? From the link...
Clearly you are right, and is of course what I was saying. Such extrapolation is akin to convincing yourself a field is perfectly flat, and then...
For a trial such as PACE what is the formal process for randomisation of participants, and how is it recorded and audited? At what stage is it...
I would have thought that if one looks at such things from a systems perspective, there will inevitably be very rare cases where the part of the...
This could be something where the big-data research approach might turn up a correlation or two to investigate further, maybe identifying some...
An interesting cautionary perspective here ... 5 "Don'ts" of Practicing Gratitude...
Excellent, as always. Given it was an Australian whose courage and determination has enabled so much progress over the last couple of years,...
Separate names with a comma.