MSEzperanza beat me to it. But here's my post anyway,... It was described as controlled in the protocol paper (2007), but not in the main paper...
And modus operandi.
Worth repeating. Getting it on the public record, especially the formal record, is very important groundwork.
Actually could be a useful study, in that it shows that clearly healthy and fit people can quite easily get similar physical sensations and...
Do let me know if I start showing signs. :bucktooth: But seriously, thanks for the link. I am also on long term Omeprazole, which apparently...
A disturbingly accurate parody. Well played, sir.
I am on long-term low-dose Amitriptyline for lower back pain (always had a slightly dodgy lower back, no saggy mattresses or chairs for me)....
Welcome to the Brave New World of psycho-fascism. I struggle not to loathe this pathetic excuse for a man. He really is a contemptible rancid...
Best I know, CFSResearch = David Jameson = 'sciencewatcher' on Wikipedia. kd is ?
If Sharpe is tag-teaming with Jameson on Twitter, he must be running out of friends in the establishment.
I agree with Sisyphus. Even though it may not seem immediately beneficial, resting as much as possible during it all will help with recovery after...
Also what a transition phase often looks like. Caught between two positions, slowly coming around to the new one, but still with one foot firmly...
I think this part is worth quoting in full. Many of you will recognise SW's style of (non-)engagement sophistry, and be pleased to see that others...
A fair chunk of life's problems are solved by sitting back and waiting, by knowing when to leave hands in pockets and keep mouths shut. But not...
:thumbup: Haven't read everything, but so far it is a big improvement overall, that should give us a fair bit of clout in dealing with...
There are also lots and lots of nature sounds videos on YouTube, that are several hours long. Rain, forests, streams, seashore, dawn chorus, frogs...
That is an important statement.
"we find that there is no evidence that advocacy groups have promoted or adopted any violent or confrontational methods as political or social...
What if I don't like Mozart? Or white noise?
Advocacy for change works in no small part by persistence, by simply continuously restating the arguments and positions at every opportunity, by...
Separate names with a comma.