Necessary8 on PR had an intriguing hypothesis which developed over the course of the past year. Some was beyond me, but i i found it insightful...
It is a self reinforcing cycle. If you can change a response to a questionnaire after a few weeks , then you can treat anything. It would be...
If you are not aware of Maddie Bourlet, her father , Roger, is active on Twitter and with ME Action during Millionsmissing. He has also funded...
Perhaps staking things out for literature reviews for NICE. There will be a lot of positioning..
Pertintent and still there - perhaps wirth a retweet [MEDIA]
There seem to have been an unexpected number of severe adverse reactions noted in Denmark after Gardisil was initially rolled out. and someone has...
The Danes are reviewing HPV, more particularly Gardisil as there were some idiosyncrasies in Merck' s definition and handling of adverse reactions.
Is fizzing in muscles or is it in the " gaps" between joints. My daughter has recently been complaining of it feeling as if bees are buzzing in...
My daughter descibes this as feeling as a baby would, when it can see its hand but is learning how to control it , and she has to really...
Congratulations @Tom Kindlon . You are simply amazing. I don t think you fully appreciate the impact and difference you make. That you have such...
Afraid i can' t help. Sadly.
But ME is being swallowed up into MUS and will be part of the mental health agenda- again! So the picture is being reinforced in mainstream...
Out of interest @ukxmrv can you say which SNP (s)on MTHFR you have? Both my aunt and daughter have MTHFR mutations ( and MTR, MTRR) . If you...
I think there will be avlot more over the next 18 months to feed into NICE guideline review
So a replication study?
I think you also have to keep the review of mental health act in the frame too with its review of legal requirements. The overall picture has...
Interestingly my aunt had really bad Hep C in her youth....really bad ME now...
I follow on twitter too, but have also watched his involvement in low carb over oast 2-3 years He is one of the few who can cut through...
I think there was something in Blair' s conversion to Catholicism ,- if not already there will Wessley folliw suit. How many Hail Mary' s would it...
Separate names with a comma.