Yes. Just because your favourite therapy relies on evidence that pigs can fly, but that evidence is notoriously hard to gather reliably, this...
Indeed. She may be the "crumple zone" that others engineer to keep themselves safe.
"Forcing someone to do exercise when their muscle cells are not producing enough ions to work properly is nothing short of cruelty, and these kind...
If ME proves due to a physical problem in the brain somehow, then I don't see any problem with trying to better understand that.
What calls are they then? I can guess the origins but don't know any detail.
Ditto. Also the same with The Lancet.
I think also a big confusion factor is that in many cases, for normally healthy poeople, "pushing through" all sorts of bugs does in fact work. I...
Indeed. With a bit of string threaded through the corners, hung on the wall. I remember those "olden days"!
What concerns me though, is the thought of FB playing god in deciding what should or should not be deleted. Not even sure that something should...
When I had glandular fever in the early 70s in my late teens, not as bad as it could have been so I was told, I was kept in bed for 2 weeks, given...
Thanks for the invite ... but I'll give it a miss :).
When trial investigators glibly and wilfully twist the truth so deceitfully, it seems almost inevitable that how they report their trials'...
I know ... feels a bit weird doesn't it. Be nice to think S4ME might have had a bit of influence.
Reading the excerpt from @Brian Hughes' book made me think (it happens occasionally :)) that the bad-science psychiatrist' running trials, seem to...
Yeah ... a bit like good science seems to be a huge hassle for them.
Not read it properly yet, but I think it may be very encouraging.
Very interesting that that was the reason. Brings that issue into sharp (Sharpe?) focus.
I picked up on this a good while back, but I think that may have been in the context of recruitment. Yes, I agree you are right, they do only have...
Separate names with a comma.