So why make the changes, and then defend them so ferociously, if they are of no significance? So the changes do make a significant difference?...
The LP lunacy is something we can really bash them with in front of actual scientists.
I smell an election.
Yeah, that was my first question about it. Those two plot lines are just a bit too neat and clean.
@Esther12 Nice work. :thumbup: Can't have been much fun though. :ill: It is a straight propaganda hit job. Fails every basic standard of...
I am flat out keeping up with a few threads here, and one or two links in them.
Having ME does not make one immune to getting other diseases, and vice-versa.
I was a student at various points in my life, but I have managed to avoid being a woman. :p
He is seriously pushing his luck on defamation, IMHO. I am increasingly of the view that this is their exit strategy. Create as much smear and...
And its value in constructing a narrative, and (separately) in gaining and retaining power. he he
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself – and you are the easiest person to fool." Richard Feynman
Well said, Dan.
With good reason: PACE required both primary measures (SF-36 & CFQ) to be positive to get an overall positive result for the trial. But, as I...
I think we are in that phase, where people with no history in the debate are paying more attention and coming to their own conclusions. It was...
I might have said something along those lines, once or thrice. Je ne regrette rien. :whistle:
It is quite clear that he is acting in very bad faith indeed. His efforts on Twitter, including selective blocking and non-answer 'answers', over...
Monbiot asks: Why would people who are sick attack medical researchers investigating their sickness? I don't take that question as necessarily...
Separate names with a comma.