They could always decline to get involved, or withdraw their name from the paper. They have minimum standards they must meet, and a basic...
'Gold standard' implies to me something more than a relative ranking. A true gold standard must also meet a minimum absolute standard of...
And help them avoid having to admit they have no fucking clue what they are talking about.
Always liked Sandi T's work, and if we are going to have 'celebs' helping to campaign for us (and I think we should, coz that's the way the world...
John Cleese has long argued, only half-jokingly, that we humans really don't know what the eff we are doing, and that nobody is running the show....
This. We don't have to convince everybody, just enough of the right people.
Compare and contrast with Sharpe's recent attempts to deny that PACE was based on a 'model'.
One of the greatest scams of all time. Which is why I not only feel no guilt whatsoever about using Sci-Hub, but encourage others to do the same.
To which the response is look at the slopes of the improvement rates for each group at LTFU, particularly between 52-134 weeks (the last, and...
Merged thread Been some discussion here of late about deconditioning. So it seems timely to recall the (now inactive) thread on it started by...
Earned a hundred times over. :hug:
Also a useful quote for showing that he claims credit for it all.
He made the same claim nearly a decade back in a puff piece on him in New Scientist. It was disgraceful fraud then, and is even more so now...
Are they saying that the internet is not the vector and multiplier for epidemics of health hysteria? :confused: But I was assured by world...
I think this is a particularly clear example of their dishonesty and ill-intent.
Now that's chutzpah.
To justify their 'expertise', and hence their income and authority.
Presumably Wessely uses the Oxford criteria in his clinic, so that could explain a lot of his 'success'. I wonder what White, Chalder, and Sharpe...
Indeed. If we knew what worked in advance, we would not have to go through all that messy expensive time-consuming business of testing different...
Separate names with a comma.