I think non-ME-aware people need help to understand the basics, and something along the following lines might be educational: ME damages the...
I think it's a sort of objectivity-blindness. They operate in a world where everything is subjective, and seem to end up with a very woolly...
The best way to enhance recovery definitions is to include within those definitions ... recovery from the illness.
Because they thought they could get away with it? Because they were so convinced they know best, so decide to play god and effectively do their...
So being the non-scientist non-medic that I am, is this deformation an important part of how red blood cells do what they need to do? Or is it an...
Yes I agree it likely refers to recording speed. So 4000 fps will be very fast, presumably so they can look at what is happening greatly slowed down.
Fully agree. I should probably have said additional recruitment bias.
Important to try hard and avoid inadvertent recruitment bias, which may be a trap dedicated recruitment efforts might stray into.
Themselves I suspect. Maybe self-delusional, but some might say that would be nothing new?
My - isn't that insightful.
Maybe hoping no-one will notice?
And if so, what with. Might end up a very useful case study on misdiagnosis, and how that maybe leads to supposed treatments being...
Can't help noticing the AFME part of the IAFME acronym ... just coincidence I expect.
Especially if it indicates they see their castle is crumbling, and are deciding to abandon anyone left inside. But usefulness and trust are not...
Link? Or was it TV/Radio? I'm guessing he's being congratulated for saving the NHS pots of money by denying people much needed medical help under...
You could well be right. Their lawyers almost certainly insist they admit to absolutely nothing, especially not in writing.
Yes. An objective review would show that the evidence for efficacy and safety of exercise therapy for PwME is extremely poor. Reviews should not...
This strategy can be far more effective when faced with very potent opposition. The point is that with each small advance, you dig in and...
And provided Cochrane do not do an about turn on this, then the implications for the new NICE guideline will be very significant, as well as for...
We could have an interesting juxtaposition emerging: Cochrane reclassifying ME/CFS such that it is no longer within the Common Mental Disorders...
Separate names with a comma.