if he couldn't grasp this basic concept, what hope that he would understand all the rest.
Abstract Background and Objectives: There is some evidence that knowledge and understanding of ME among doctors is limited. Consequently, an audit...
2018 Hope 4 ME & Fibro Northern Ireland annual conference, Monday 17th September 2018 Livestream Tuller and Hughes 2 Oct 2018 Newry : The PACE...
This series of 1-hour webinars aims to explore the radical changes taking place within the new proposed NICE Guideline for ME/CFS and the...
None of the Royal Colleges contributed much to the initial draft Scope consultation........ apart from the Royal College of Psychiatrists that is...
maybe if he (Chivers) read this https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/article/S0025-6196(21)00513-9/fulltext he might see how things could be done.
I don't think it's a question of whether pacing 'works' as a means of improvement rather than not-pacing can cause further deterioration.
I think it poses a bit of a problem for all the fatigue clinics (and those doing 'research') as they would have to now differentiate between...
It all boils down to the use of PEM as the cardinal symptom for diagnosis. (PDW complained about this as being the reason for the down-grading of...
Chivers now backtracking? Defending PACE........
short youtube video "Dr. Lucinda Bateman, an Internal Medicine Physician from Salt Lake City, UT, reviews this consensus statement appearing...
Review highlights similarities between long COVID and chronic fatigue syndrome...
one question for Michael Sharpe; does he still believe in the fear/avoidance, deconditioning theory of CFS that the therapies were initially...
website https://www.autismresearchcentre.com/projects/autism-genetics-study/
straight away it kicks off with this how many times...... IT IS NOT CHRONIC FATIGUE. eta; sorry I haven't read the rest of the article.
could this be made read only and added to the library Moderation note: The thread is now read only
(Most links seem to work from the website itself) Includes: Overview News Published Papers Trial Information FAQ Links...
"Although it doesn’t target the actual pain, people who have used ACT have reported an improvement in their quality of life." exactly the same as...
Separate names with a comma.