"The Winter edition of the Sussex & Kent ME/CFS Society’s quarterly 16 page newsletter has been published. Included in this issue are items about...
Japanese youths suffering fatigue from aftereffects of COVID infection https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20211124/p2a/00m/0na/018000c
This article belongs to the Special Issue ME/CFS – the Severely and Very Severely Affected...
interesting reference to spinal tap...... Trudie Chalder in one of her presentations talking about the development of the CFQ "So to get us...
Illness-Related Cognition, Distress and Adjustment in Functional Stroke Symptoms, Vascular Stroke, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Abbeygail Jones ,...
Chief Investigator Dr Alicia Hughes https://www.flexproject.co.uk/info-sheet.html latest publication Illness-related cognition, distress and...
from similar article in the Sun "The diaries came to light five years ago, when Elinor died in a nursing home aged 69 after developing an infection."
There was a large piece on long covid on Channel 4 News last night; no mention of post-viral illnesses let alone ME/CFS.........it was 'all new',...
This was discussed on BBC radio2 today. Interesting that most people who said it had been very helpful talked about 'counselling', as opposed to...
If difficulties occur in developing reliable case definitions, there are serious consequences for patients, as they would then be unsure whether...
Differential Effects of Exercise on fMRI of the Midbrain Ascending Arousal Network Nuclei in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome...
Australian National University event Myalgic encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) 1–1.30pm Thursday 25 Nov 2021 zoom...
No Evidence That The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Service Does Any Better Than Contact With The Citizen’s Advice Bureaux...
thread https://www.s4me.info/threads/telford-woman-releases-book-to-help-children-understand-adult-illness-2019.12502/ eta: see tag 'book' for...
So I take it the BMJ don't check the rapid responses? eg her twitter account doesn't exist and she says she got the 30% figure of pwME/CFS from...
where on earth did they get that figure from?
"The overview looked at eight Cochrane Reviews, including 51 discrete TENS‐related randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with 2895 participants.[7]...
this video is still there for CFS patients; it was supposed to have been reviewed in Aug 2021.
i wonder if anyone else use the word 'joke' when talking about mandatory reconsiderations? shame they don't use emojis....
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