Apart from the above, this also rang my alarm bell: I can't pretend I know exactly what it means, but I know it makes me feel uneasy.
I just couldn't bring myself to follow Alistair Gibson (advanced)'s example. Sorry, just don't have the confidence to claim that level of...
TiredSam (ordinary)
Sounds perfect for KDM.
[ATTACH] There isn't any credible evidence that ME is not a physical illness. What are you talking about, and why would you choose to make such a...
In the ME world bickering about labels has always turned divisive and acrimonious very quickly, which is something we could really do without.
If any of you squashed fly junkies fancy going the whole hog: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eccles_cake Wow, if they get the order wrong, you'd...
I have finally had a chance to listen to this, fabulous stuff. The Gospel according to John should be preached everywhere. Took me back to my...
Are they trying to be funny?
I get better when I'm stressed. I'm at my best when I'm totally pissed off and fucking furious. ME symptoms just evaporate. Not even sure I get...
I never metacognition I didn't like.
Sorry, but there are a few words there, in particular "hermeneutic", which set my alarm bells ringing:...
Oh good, so they can make up what they want then. I hope they made up something nice.
Oh good, another word to keep on top of: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychophysiology Yup, guilty.
Damn! I was looking for a good pun on Liddle and couldn't come up with one.
It was fine, I just felt like barking. Don't mind me :)
You think I'm making this shit up? https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/real-life-stories/couldnt-out-bed-eight-months-6438056 And here's a former...
I think you've answered your own question: It's advertising dressed up as a news story. Sales blurb. First thing I do with these articles is look...
Separate names with a comma.