Will be interesting to see what happens in Scotland hopefully it’s genuinely involves patients and produces something that’s a step or two...
Check out MillionsMissing
Good to see the work by @Simon M and others on the forum on press images has been taken up
I got one of the places on the workshops.
It would almost be worth doing this just to prove the point, sadly I doubt that those in most need of understanding the point would actually take...
I wonder if Keith Geraghty is aware of this he is linked to Manchester maybe he would be in a position to engage with this researcher on the...
Maybe they could have a shopping bag in their hand while giving the talk
I believe HADs is one of the questionnaires they used at the CFS clinics I went to.
The only weather I have noticed affects my ME symptoms is very warm weather. When we do get any 30 plus C days I can’t really do anything but lie...
Signed :thumbup:
The only purpose this serves is paying the rent or mortgages of psychosocial researchers thus avoiding the need for catastrophising about their...
Yeah I worked for 12/15 years with ME possibly I could have carried on longer if I’d been diagnosed at the start and hadn’t spent 10 years doing...
:thumbup:You write really well @lunarainbows , succinct and yet comprehensive you should consider contacting AFME/MEA to get this info into...
Only skimmed it but wow those responses by K stink
Got to start somewhere. Hopefully there will have been some people not committed to the old approach speaking up. I would in some sense be more...
If the therapy is blatantly called psychosomatic therapy then presumably this only includes people who accept that diagnosis for whatever reason.
Maybe ask the author to provide their specific reference by CDC to central sensitisation it could be given the article is supposedly only based on...
Saw on AFME social media there have been 99 applications from PWME, 15 carers and 5 professionals
I have put in my application will let you know the outcome
I’m probably going to apply.
Separate names with a comma.