Reading that, it sounds less like treatments and more like a decision tool. Could it just be a database with details of patients who are trying...
(please don't feel any need to rush to reply Snow Leopard) The authors of the 2023 paper seem to acknowledge that measurements of M-waves...
The differences in disease duration aren't that great: The mean disease duration was 58 months (4.8 years) in those with M wave alterations, and...
News of research funding of OMFAL: $500 000 Gift to OMF - Chris Armstrong
That's quite a problematic article reflecting an even more problematic medical system. First there is a "brilliant" cardiologist who believes...
On Gez: I didn't take notes. I thought it started rather badly, with the suggestion that Long covid hits active people preferentially, people who...
Interested to know what cures help some. Uh, no. ref 6 is Geraghty et al, 'critique of a flawed model' -:thumbup: Highly selective approach to...
Rights of the Persons with Invisible Disabilities, 2023, Sarojini A passionate call for people with invisible disabilities to be recognised as...
An Indian paper - it's a passionately argued call for people with invisible disabilities to be recognised as disabled under Indian legislation. As...
Of course, people keen on exercise are onto this molecule. I found a study where mice were given regular treadmill exercise, and were found to...
The authors undertook genetic therapy, although I don't think the targeting of that binding site need necessarily be done with genetic therapy:...
So, NaV1.7 is a type of voltage-gated sodium channel in neurons transmitting the sensation of pain. A protein (CRMP2), when phosphorylated and...
They've reduced the chronic pain of rats without giving them a stern talking to about vicious cycles of fear of movement and deconditioning? :eek:
Oxalates may be a problem for people with M.E. There's this thread where most people posting actually thought lower levels of oxalate were better,...
The difficult thing is that Garner has chosen a Facebook group on aphaeresis to bring his truth to, to save people from themselves. And, he...
I tracked this as part of symptom monitoring for about a month, measuring it in the morning, missing some days, maybe 5 years ago. For example,...
Yeah, sorry, that was a bit of preaching to the choir. I think it's just that I have been a bit annoyed by the list of studies that are part of...
This one? Polybio: A tissue analysis pipeline to analyse samples collected from patients with infection-associated chronic disease
Gez Medinger will be interviewed on RNZ (Kim Hill's Saturday Morning) tomorrow.
There's a paywall, so it's harder to work out the authors' angle on this. That's an odd sentence. Given some of the woo approaches to dealing...
Separate names with a comma.