other articles by Dr Mark Harper who set up the petition: ME battle ‘must not be repeated with long Covid’, says chair of Cambridge support group...
see tag "sussex me society"
can someone let the Long covid community know about this
Mail online: U-turn as health watchdog pauses publication of updated ME guidelines Miller gets the last word again....
now at 2136
Article in Telegraph might need subscription Health watchdog pauses plans to scrap therapy and exercise as treatments for ME Nice delays...
ME/CFS strikes 1 in 250 of us. It is a devastating illness, more disabling than angina or multiple sclerosis. Three quarters of sufferers are too...
Charities dismayed as move to stop recommending graded exercise therapy is opposed by some medical groups The National Institute for Health and...
her other half wrapped his chelsea scarf around his face when he was serving her that soup.......
I take it all back. the petition is here:...
interesting given what's just happened re the pause of guideline publication "The course is currently offline while being reviewed to be in...
Over 7K Sign #MEAction’s Response to Flawed CDC Review https://www.meaction.net/2021/08/16/over-7k-sign-meactions-response-to-flawed-cdc-review
I seem to remember MS saying a short while ago that several Royal Colleges were going to make their opposition known. Who might have spurred them...
August 16, 2021 Positive Development in ME/CFS Coming Soon rest of post here...
possibly all the documents such as the training manuals, participants newsletters etc, that I seem to remember 'disappeared' from the original...
[MEDIA] see thread
Health, Wellbeing, and Prognosis of Australian Adolescents with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS): A Case-Controlled...
Separate names with a comma.