He is. He has written about PACE before, for instance: PACE trial and other clinical data sharing: patient privacy concerns and parasite paranoia...
Another blog post about the same topic, so I'll post it in this thread: Trial By Error: The Reporter's Questions for Professor Racaniello The...
It does look a bit worrying but I do have a hope that things may actually be turning (ok, I've said that for 20 years, but one day it'll be...
:balloons::balloons:The petition has now got over 7 000 signatures!!:balloons::balloons: Original link to petition in Norwegian...
[MEDIA] ETA: hmm... seems the whole post from MP Carol Monaghan wasn't included. It reads: Carol Monaghan MP leading the House of Commons debate...
Nina E. Steinkopf has a short reply in the same newspaper. Vi krever å bli hørt google translation: We demand to be heard The Competence Service...
And the mess continues. According to a new book about the Macchiarini scandal, the documentation for its investigation has vanished.....
Here's a google translation: ToTo Neuroimmunologisk Kurativ Behandling: På ME-fronten: Bjarte Stubhaug med grovt forskningsetisk overtramp google...
Update on the blog Trial By Error: Steve Brine's Troubling Claim in Parliamentary Debate on ME Update on January 29: I love how patients keep me...
Here's a direct link to the blog post at Questioning Answers A 4-Day Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioral Intervention Program for CFS/ME" but.....
New blog post from David Tuller: My Letter to Professor Chew-Graham About METRIC Earlier this evening, I sent the following e-mail to Carolyn...
Steve Brine's Troubling Claim in Parliamentary Debate on ME I want to focus on a point Brine made regarding the importance of including updated...
Yes, I suppose you're right it could have gone either way.
I remember this, that it was said BBC was working on a documentary. Does anyone know more about whether it was stopped and how/why? (Perhaps it...
The petition's initiator, Nina E. Steinkopf, has written a reply as an open letter on her blog. Forakten for det mest sårbare pasientene google...
Monaghan: If graded exercise was a drug, it would have lost its licence
Agree. It's surprisingly emotional, patronising and aggressive.
I think this will get uglier before it gets better. But for their own sake, as health care personell putting their name on something so vile...
Initiating Care of a Patient with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) This paper introduces the primary care physician to...
Separate names with a comma.