A letter to the editor signed 23 doctors/psychologists/psychiatrist objecting against the petition. Here's a (very quick) translation: Do we...
What an impressive review. Great work, and it is bearing fruit. The Berkeley fiscal year ends June 30th, so I will need to decide soon if I am...
Agree. Articles like this promoting that view causes set backs for ME patients and leads to more suspicion, patient blaming and more suffering. I...
Another sensationalist article about this study. This time in one of Norway's biggest newspapers. It includes a comment from Olav Mella. The...
An article about the young couple Jasmine and Alex. Jasmine has epilepsy, ME and POTS and uses a wheel chair. They talk about the prejudice they...
This is a private initiative from Stryn, Norway. They've organised ME-conferences before with great programme and results. This year there will...
That's a good idea! Will do the same.
The Swedish journal for the psychology association has a short article about a psychologist with ME who were first denied benefits as ME is...
Absolutely and feel free to do so. I don't think there is a lot about her and her team's work in English yet. This recap of her lecture is a start...
The Norwegian ME Association accepts applications to them, but researchers can also ask them as a patient organisation to apply for allocations to...
The Norwegian ME Association is now accepting applications for allocations to medical research into ME. Closing date for applications are in April...
David Tuller's lecture from this conference is now on YouTube [MEDIA]
From the article: In the UK, CBT and GET are still the NHS’s approved treatments under guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Care...
I wonder if the respondents are patients who got ill when they were children/adolescents and are now adults or if they're still...
Yes, bizarre and self contradictory in its argumentation.. A number of diseases that were previously subject to stigmatization has in the modern...
6 500 signatures!! And you can still sign if you haven't already: Original link to petition in Norwegian https://www.underskrift.no/vis/7358/...
The initiator behind the petition against the Norwegian competence service for ME/CFS and their psychosomatic views (discussed in this thread)...
Separate names with a comma.