Possible, but perhaps unwise. Wessely is not an idiot. He must know that this form of survey is both unsound, and open to abuse. He may well be...
All his stuff on Virology: http://www.virology.ws/mecfs/
They are best at thinking inside the box, at reproducing known methods and results. But not so much at thinking outside it, which is what is...
I want the likes of Crawley and Wessely, etc, removed from power and held properly accountable as soon as possible, and the history books to...
If that isn't a massive warning sign to the rest of medicine and science, I don't know what is.
"in the later stages of treatment patients are encouraged to increase their activity (which must ultimately be the aim of any treatment)"...
Just to muddy the waters even more, in Australia the Liberal party, one of the two dominant parties here, is our version of the conservatives....
The horror, the horror. :eek:
No, no, no, no,... Yes.
I can see how that could be the case for some patients, seeing as that style of lens can even cause those problems for healthy people. My...
I do love it when the serious pros ride into town, and show the amateurs how it is done.
What utter drivel.
That is outrageous. Nothing justifies that.
I think he originally thought CFS was just a variant of depression, but conceded later that that it was not. But otherwise, his basic views have...
Wrong side of the continent. Nice to know, especially seeing as they are my optometrist.
I'd be a little careful of citing him. He is a mixed bag.
Dunno. Where do you live? I do wonder about long term effects of varifocals. Only had mine 3 months, so a bit early to tell.
Small world. Same happened to me on my latest visit to the optometrist. Made for an easier consultation.
Yeah, I am not defending it.
Separate names with a comma.