Abstract Introduction: After contracting COVID-19, many people have continued to experience various symptoms for several weeks and months, even...
From Twitter. "Urgent, please forward Our new Raman diagnostics paper is ready to submit. It has taken 12 months but now includes 98 subjects...
Dr Katharine Seton receives funding to expand ME research "Katharine Seton from the Quadram Institute has been awarded a Solve M.E. Ramsay...
The committee has agreed to add the forum's signature to this letter that the Long Covid Alliance is coordinating, that asks for the NIH to reveal...
The 'screener' comes from, Psychometric properties of the CDC Symptom Inventory for assessment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which says "Short...
"Please sign our petition to demand that the US National Institutes of Health block plans for Long COVID research studies on debunked, harmful...
Leschziner crops up on a few threads here, Pushing FND, Phantoms in the Brain - BBC radio programme on 'Functional Neurological Disorder' and in...
The title doesn't suggest "LC should have the same ICD/WHO code as ME" though. The title is explaining that someone people have expressed the...
Full title: Clustering Analysis Identifies Two Subgroups of Women with Fibromyalgia with Different Psychological, Cognitive, Health-Related and...
Highlights: • Higher post-acute depression/anxiety, DVT & fibromyalgia among COVID-19 patients. • Higher lung disease and sleep disturbance, when...
The itching caused by increased bilirubin levels that I experienced a number of years ago was very much associated with those bilirubin levels,...
Abstract Purpose The aim of this study is to investigate short-term and long-term effects of coronovirus 19 disease (COVID-19) at inner and outer...
Abstract Background: Lung function impairment persists in some patients for months after acute coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Long-term...
News in Brief posts for w/c 19th Dec....
Patient perspective: A long journey to long COVID https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(22)00499-4/fulltext
The sample processing centre's operational issues extend beyond booking in samples to completing the DNA extraction process itself. As far as we...
The top result from a Google search on "gwas thyroid disease", Genome-Wide Association Studies of Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases, Thyroid Function,...
ABSTRACT Patient and public involvement (PPI) in research has evolved over recent years, yet it often remains an ‘optional extra’ and, in some...
Abstract The use of social media has increased considerably in recent years. However, these tools are not always used consciously, and the stress...
Abstract Exercise is often recommended for fibromyalgia. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible influence and change in the pain...
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