These treatments were recommended because a group of British psychiatrists promoted them and produced research that appeared to confirm their...
I looked at one of the questionnaires they used, the SCL-90-R which gives scores in categories such as "somatisation", "anxiety",...
This seems relevant: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_triviality
Re. the Wessely quote above. Typical for the BPS people, they do not understand human behaviour: the way patients behave is simply a reaction to...
Jason did poor work criticizing the IOM criteria. He used vague definitions of PEM and then finds that lots of other illnesses have PEM too. I am...
At first I believed I was ill, but then was told it was a personality problem, and so I tried to believe that instead (I was just an innocent...
Science journals are really good at saying all the right things, but not nearly as good at actually implementing them.
It clearly illustrates that students are taught a logical fallacy: "If the problem cannot be identified, it means that it's some variant of...
Speaking of prejudices. Their illness model is simply a rephrasing of the usual prejudices patients face: laziness becomes deconditioning, and...
I'm a bit disappointed that this thread has not yet yielded any grand theories on how all these skin problems tie into ME. :D I'm joking. Skin...
Googling for that led me to this image on Wikipedia which is pretty close. I just didn't have a many blisters, and they were not raised much if at...
@TiredSam I had the exact same thing for years. Hardened flat vesicles just under the skin, filled with liquid. Not painful. Mainly on fingers and...
A good chunk of these chronic preventable diseases is due to economic inequality. People would eat healthier, do more sports if they had the time...
The vagueness of the plan suggests that the concrete reality of it will be upsetting.
This study concludes that gluten content in wheat doesn't seem to have increased. Can an Increase in Celiac Disease Be Attributed to an Increase...
It's another anomaly that doesn't pass the common sense test. Standard medical care of for ME/CFS is useless, and such marked regression to the...
Do you know how they assessed severity of PEM? What questions were asked, how was PEM defined?
Self reported PEM decreased more in the CBT and GET arms, as assessed by questionnaire. This doesn't show that CBT/GET reduce PEM because of the...
I think the recovery claims are for depression and/or anxiety only.
Separate names with a comma.