They found no evidence that concentrations of anti-muscarinic cholinergic 3 receptors are relevant to ME/CFS. [ATTACH]
That's some pretty fine slicing and dicing to get to a claim that there was a severity difference in HHV-6 load. Actually, there was no...
The abstract doesn't tell us about the incidence of HHV-6A/B U3 in controls. When the incidence in both patients and controls is reported,...
They seem to conclude that humans, as diurnal mammals and unlike nocturnal animals, aren't very sensitive to temperature changes with respect to...
Ah, thank you. For Figures 2 D and E that makes sense - the axes label percentages add up to 1. For Figure 2F, the LD1 percentage is 52% and...
I agree, thank you. What percentage of the variation did your LDA model explain @chillier?
I read 'rant ahead' and went and liked your post SNT. And then settled in to read the post. Because, the paper is drivel and rants are a...
Umm, is a fancy way of saying 'fishing exercise to confirm our prejudices?
I didn't see a clear description of how they asked about persisting symptoms. I didn't see it noted that respondents were required to only note...
Mentalising (the ability to think about thinking?) - no effect on risk of persisting symptoms Social anxiety - no effect on risk of persisting...
The lead author comes from Newcastle-upon-tyne - people from the Me/CFS clinic there made an horrendous submission to the NICE guideline process....
I'm interested in the potential for this technology to identify pathogens cheaply and easily. For toxins and extracellular pathogens in low...
This team has replicated the study in a larger group. Unfortunately, the finding of higher phenylalanine in Me/CFS doesn't seem to hold up....
A couple of labs at least (Mortem and Moreau) have done some work with Raman spectroscopy, trying to find differences between ME/CFS cells and...
There is some work done on producing diagnostic models, but I don't find that sort of thing very interesting when we aren't sure if the...
Identification of the differentiating molecules Figure 3 gives charts comparing the identified levels of tryptophan, tyrosine, phenylalanine,...
[ATTACH] Figure 2D presents the differences on two axes of variation for each of the 1151 cells; Figure 2E presents the differences for each...
Results I agree with @chillier that there doesn't appear to be a lot of differences in the spectral fingerprints, as shown in figure 2a that was...
About the method - it provides information about molecules in single cells: The study builds on an earlier study by this group, comparing ME/CFS...
@chillier made this post about the paper's Raman micro-spectroscopy results on the The current state of ME/CFS research, and its prospects thread
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