I'll have a closer read during the next few days and come back to you, @Michiel Tack (too foggy headed now) :-)
Sure. Are there any areas you'd be particularly interested in?
2 316 in total answered the survey. That's between 12 - 23% of all ME patients in Norway! ETA: Oh, sorry - hadn't seen your comment, @Michiel...
The report has an English summary from pages 9 - 12. ME-pasienters erfaring med rehabiliteringsopphold (ME patients' experiences with...
Africa Clockwise: M.E. Too or Why I am No Longer NOT Speaking to Doctors about Chronic Illness [MEDIA]
Voices from the Shadows: Prize-winning animation released for Severe ME day Link contains animation. Duration 3 minutes. [MEDIA]
ScieneAlert: Scientists Have Found an Important Reason You Might Want to Reconsider Taking Probiotics In a new study led by a team from Augusta...
I also think the idea of doctors as some sort of superhumans has caused a lot of silent suffering within the profession as well.
This was an interesting and uplifting read, and not before time, I guess. NPR: Doctors With Disabilities Push For Culture Change In Medicine...
Development in the Danish Marie Louise-case Professor Ola D. Saugstad will travel from Norway to Denmark to visit Marie Louise and her family. At...
An odd article appeared as the main front news at the Norwegian Broadcaster's website yesterday. I tells about a young girl with debilitating...
This is unfathomable to me. If they are so certain of their treatment approaches, why don't they follow up their patients and document the great...
Yes. As long as he didn't claim to speak on behalf of the whole ME patient population, which he didn't, I'm ok.
Here in Norway it is a mix. What worries me is that patients are referred, goes through the rehabilitation or whatever they are offered, and then...
Separate names with a comma.