Is today's event typically something that the media will cover? Could we expect some articles about the debate?
According to their website they accept patients from abroad. But I couldn't find anything about what treatments they are offering?
This was an excellent read!
The newspaper Stavanger Aftenblad has interviewed the general secretary of the Norwegian ME Association Olav Osland, assistent general secretary...
Yup. Here we go... The official recommendation from Danish health authorities for ME is exercise. It is presented as good news; as the diagnoses...
I am late to the party, but amen! to this: [MEDIA]
She also says: They (the patients) risk too much treatment, stigmatisation and unnecessary assessments and procedures that may contain risks and...
There is now a web page Bohne Askøy AS Life-long compensatory therapy targeting functioning of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex It's in Norwegian...
Thanks for clearing that up, @inox That's something completely different, I agree. I'd only heard the facebook group version.
It is certainly uncomfortable to hear about, but I don't know if it is illegal. A couple of years ago there was a professor in sociology who did...
Dear @andypants I don't think anyone is judging you and I think we all understand why you and others decided to try the treatment before RituxME...
Wasn't this dr. Kogelnik's promise a few years back when he initiated Rituximab treatments for ME patients? Does anyone know if he still is giving...
Today Aftenbladet follows up with even more articles where they have gone deeper into the subject. Dr. Øgreid at Kolibriklinikken says he has...
The Norwegian region newspaper Stavanger Aftenblad has an article today about prof. Dagfinn Øgreid, the oncologist who has provided Rituximab...
I just saw Charles Shepherd's report from the Invest in ME-conference. Details from prof. Sommerfelt's talk are on page 5-6.
Up Close with Robert Phair, PhD On this #OMFScienceWednesday we introduce you to researcher Robert Phair, PhD, running the OMF-funded metabolic...
This is the only video of him I know about with English subtitles. But I don't remember if he mentions myoclonic jerks in this one :unsure: I can...
On May 12th, the Norwegian ME Association donated 250 000 NOK (3 1000 USD/23000 GBP) to dr. Øystein Fluge and his team and 50 000 NOK (6000...
That it is a sign that the brain is involved in the disease (he says it more eloquently..)
In that case he is a professor and child neurologist and works at the children's ward at Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen, Norway and at...
Separate names with a comma.