I think more than 2 successive CPET's on successive days would be far too risky. Reading patients stories of how they collapsed suddenly from one...
It may be waiting in a slow peer review and publication process.
Yes, I had spotted that. I'll copy the link to David Tuler's article to the harms thread. Edit: I see you have already done so, thanks.
My interpretation of the results is that before treatment the correlation is fairly strong between subective and objective outcomes but by the...
Since this study was done at a single time point, any causal attribution of one symptom predicting another is clearly not possible. I remember...
At a quick glance they don't look like the kind of meds that can be over the counter. One of them is given through a drip, and they all have side...
I hadn't realised CG started her medical career as a psychiatrist before switching to being a GP.
I don't think there's any justification for a clinical trial for any antibiotic for ME/CFS. Antibiotics are over used already, and should be used...
The MEA survey this month is on alcohol intolerance and ME/CFS or LC. https://meassociation.org.uk/me-association-survey-alcohol-intolerance/
The ME Association and ME Research UK announce funding for a study that aims to create a diagnostic test for ME/CFS See this thread:...
For more personal thoughts there is also this In Memory thread in the members only area Maeve O'Neill
Thanks for replying @DMissa. No problem. I don't have the energy or knowledge to look at the detail either, so I'll leave it to others to discuss.
All this shows is counting symptoms is not a helpful or valid way of assessing whether someone has long covid. Surely they should realise by now...
So basically they cherry picked a few results with small effect sizes and most of their questionnaires didn't given significant results. The...
In my family those I'm aware of are possibly my father, definitely myself and my daughter, and now my niece (sister's daughter) has long covid....
Some posts have been moved to: The LIFT trial (OMF) - Pyridostigmine (mestinon) and Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)
Thank you for sharing your experience, @chillier. I'm sorry to hear you were harmed. I think they need to be told about this. They need to...
No, I have written about the Dorset service as I experienced it over 10 years ago. https://www.s4me.info/threads/uk-dorset-me-cfs-clinics.32157/...
It looks like a service run by occupational therapists. I don't understand the section on a private service. Does this mean it's run separately...
Separate names with a comma.