Full title: STIMULATE-ICP-CAREINEQUAL (Symptoms, Trajectory, Inequalities and Management: Understanding Long-COVID to Address and Transform...
Abstract Background and objectives Latest studies have revealed that an increasing number of Corona Virus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19) patients may...
Introduction: Neutrophil and eosinophil activation and its relation to disease severity has been understudied in primary care patients with...
Abstract Background The apparent functional impact of post-COVID-19 syndrome has workability implications for large segments of the working-age...
News in Brief posts for w/c 8th Aug...
Reddit post from last week, linking to July News in Brief posts
I was able to find this "There is at least the distinct appearance of overlap in some of the neurological signs and symptoms between ME/CFS and...
£290,941 Source: https://www.cso.scot.nhs.uk/outputs/cso-funded-research/long-covid-call/
My main reason for posting was that I thought that the study design was of interest, in that it provides a seemingly successful model in how...
Abstract During the past decade, research has revealed that the vast community of micro-organisms that inhabit the gut — known as the gut...
Abstract Introduction Long COVID is characterized by a variety of symptoms and an important burden for affected people. Our objective was to...
"Second, we selected CRP as our measure of inflammation here because a) it is a measure typically used in clinical assessments and research...
Full title: Remote sampling of biomarkers of inflammation with linked patient generated health data in patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal...
Abstract Since the pandemic began in December 2019, SARS-Cov2 has accentuated the wide gap and disparities in socioeconomic and healthcare access...
Summary Background Understanding how SARS-CoV-2 affects respiratory centres in the brainstem may help to preclude assisted ventilation for...
"Questionnaires The questionnaire contained questions on demographic background information and symptoms during the disease episode. In general,...
About the authors: Hank Balfour is professor of laboratory medicine and pathology, as well as pediatrics, at the University of Minnesota. William...
Abstract Objective Current evidence suggests that fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) involves complex underlying mechanisms. This study aimed to...
Here is the clinical trials entry for his study, https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04854772 "Detailed Description: This study is a pilot and...
Abstract The causes of depression are diverse and are still not fully understood. Recently, an increasing role is attributed to nutritional and...
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