That's how I read it – I don't think they're directly comparing the conditions to each other, just giving a list of examples. Even severe ME is...
Me too, I've never heard anyone just say 'pem' to rhyme with 'them'. It'd be very unclear to anyone who wasn't completely keyed-in to discussions...
They've suspended face-to-face assessments for the time being, so your payments should just continue until you're notified of new arrangements.
It'll surprise no-one that significant adverse outcomes can occur, but the severity is really worrying. I wonder whether these reports will affect...
It'd be so useful to find out what is being taught in medical schools on ME. Not to put the information into the public domain, of course – simply...
I woke up to his dulcet tones on Radio 4 this morning. He gets bloody everywhere!
I was lucky in never progressing that far. I was severely malnourished for about eight years – 5' 9" tall and I struggled even to keep up to seven...
Must admit I've only ever had IBS due to developing potato intolerance. For the first 40 years of the ME, there were no IBS symptoms at all; now I...
I use something called Dermol 500, which has been a game changer – combining it with twice-daily Omega 3 means my hands look completely normal....
I don't even use the pre-made stuff, as it (along with everything else that's not made for eczema sufferers) will begin to split the skin on my...
On the question of funding: is there an organisation comparable to the AHRC that funds doctoral research? The arts has used AHRC funding to do...
After spouting all this waffle about surviving the three-day week, I'll now 'fess up to the fact that our independent living co-ordinator knocked...
The effect of a power cut is often large – and can be extremely large, as we saw last year after the lightning strike – but the cause is usually...
I can't see why there would be, unless we get very high winds again – and then the lines would be repaired asap, as always. We all depend on the...
Are you okay to have bottled gas in your flat? After Ronan Point, even mains gas was (and remains) banned in the low-rise blocks where we grew up....
PWME do seem to respond to challenges in very different ways. For instance, some of us have relapsed after a 'flu vaccine, whilst others have it...
They're hoping to develop a 'pregnancy test' type device. May not happen fast enough to stop this virus spreading very widely, but the technology...
Too tired to listen music at the mo, but that artwork is fab!
I think part of the strategy is to try and slow it down so that not everyone gets it at the same time, in which case the health service just...
So autism and chronic pain are psychiatric disorders now? :banghead:
Separate names with a comma.