clinging on by their fingernails to remnants of CFS/ME clinic approach they think they can save Retreating to the castle keep of ‘but CBT is cost...
Garner doesn’t get let off from criticism about gaslighting people with MECFS just because he had long Covid. He’s said doesn’t listen to those...
Comment in discussion on a post on MEAssociation Facebook account “I have drawn a red line under any further involvement with Dr Paul Garner and...
I’ve not researched CFS........ yes mate that’s blindingly obvious.
Thanks Adam I appreciate you doing the clips. I posted your tweet on my FB and recommended the programme to friends and family any general public...
It is a storm in a teacup. But it is galling as well. I’m grateful for @Hilda Bastian responding on social media.
Oh I can think of two or three persons who would be up for doing that to ingratiate themselves further with the eminent ones.
So I think this is what @PhysiosforME have highlighted as symptom contingent pacing as opposed to time contingent pacing, symptom based picks up...
With so much covered in the programme I think it is a positive that there was a segment on long covid and that MECFS actually mentioned and good...
Every so often he fishes for a fresh lot of replies from PWME to show to colleagues as examples of how terrible we are
Interesting @Kitty i had in my head from somewhere, probably watching OMF presentations 3 or so years ago that the aim was for it to be a...
Exercise for the sake of it is such a privileged perspective isn’t it. What about people who work in physically demanding jobs filling Amazon...
Given they lose such a high percentage of tribunals so have to pay the benefits and the cost of taking the case to tribunal, the approach of...
Yes we always have to take a step back when reviewing content about MECFS aimed at the general public or MECFS patients generally remembering that...
I got a text from GP surgery and sorted booking by phone just as I did for flu in the autumn, no letter received
Thanks for the laugh
Good point about what happens in practice @Wonko i asked in advance for my ESA assessment in 2018 to be recorded but when I arrived for the...
One way of redesigning the role to reduce the impact on your boss might be if you have another maybe relatively new team member who has potential...
Separate names with a comma.