What a load of voyeuristic drivel. Spector should have objected to appearing in an article of that sort. The fact that he didn't says it all. He...
Maybe this is part of our current cultural problems: I feel like this too but it's difficult. On the one hand, doctors aren't able to give me the...
A nice response @Robert 1973.
No, Dr Gunderson, campaigners fear that pressure from scientists has begun to show in the wording. You need to get hold of the right end of the stick.
Exactly. Of course every detail of the causation of each problem may never be known but the vast majority of cases have a recognisable...
I wonder if this is with David Strain.
I don't follow that. We were unprepared for a pandemic. If people in charge aren't bothered about people dying horribly gasping for breath then...
Hm... To edit a bit: “There is such a thing as biological disease and it is different from mental illness.” It’s just bullshit, using...
I am not that impressed. The chief weakness I see is that if any doctor who is broadly happy to go with 'heartsink patient's MUS will see the...
Interesting to see two different solutions to the dilemma. The first one wants to carry on the same with neatly changed words. The second seems...
I don't understand what you are trying to mean here. Each virus encodes a series of its own proteins which are the antigens for the host antibody...
Oops, that doesn't do much for the reputation the Academy of Medical Sciences.
@joshua leisk, I realise that my comments may sound unduly critical. I don't doubt that you would like to help PWME but the field is so...
No assumptions. The MS is pseudoscience and you have applied for a patent. Seems to be facts. ("The true nature of an autoimmune disease" applied...
As is usually the case for homeopathy. I'm afraid that all your reassurances simply confirm my impression that this is pseudoscience directed at...
What will become interesting maybe is the conflict between this Turner-Stokes approach that we should stop worrying about RCTs and go wit our...
I am not so sure. This looks to me like a perfect recipe for doublespeak. Exercise tolerance/intolerance should not be seen as binary concept. A...
Plus ça change...
Moved posts Has this been posted? https://evidence.nihr.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/NIHR_COVID_REPORT_FINAL-150321-1_1_.pdf NIHR press...
Then maybe you are missing the whole point of this forum? Why test something for which there is no basis whatsoever other than some random...
Separate names with a comma.