Very creative idea!
I agree that studying changes of status is likely to be useful, and we'll be able to do at least some of this much more easily in the near future....
Me too! Mine started long before ME, and I think there are several possible causes. It might even be connected to my autism, I'm not sure.
I like this observation. So very true. I have confirmed B12 malabsorption, and inject myself. Since the deficiency symptoms were sorted out, I've...
When I read research like this it always strikes me that the 'something in the blood' mystery is going to prove hard to unpick until we find ways...
I can't really tell whether there's a change in smell, because it's masked by the BCAAs I take to help me reduce PEM symptoms. (The supplement...
I do, from post-nasal drip. I've had it much of my life, certainly long before ME. It's exacerbated, though, by my own insistence on occasionally...
My impression over the years has been that it's remarkably good under the circumstances. GPs might not receive all the training we'd hope, but...
Bee thinking back to my hiking and camping days (40 years ago, so they're buried deep!) We were taught to wear a different set of clothes at...
And/or, what are the consequences if a disease process makes them stiffer?
I'm so sorry to hear you're in this impossible situation. Some people in the US routinely abandon wooden pallets by the roadside,...
This Sci Hub link seems to work (in the UK, anyway):
I love those 'headslap' discoveries – they make scientists seem much more human! (I feel as if I'm from a different planet to people who can grasp...
'Virus that's not a virus' really chimes with me. I feel as if I'm coming down with a cold, but it never quite materialises. I also think the...
I've had another thought. It's probably so idiotic that people will throw crockery at me, but just in case there are ways to automate it at low...
Another possible way forward is to encourage the engaged patients to act as nodes in the network. For instance, I have seven friends with ME, and...
The answer should probably be the same way as for other conditions, through primary healthcare or hospital specialists. But since many patients...
I agree, overtraining is potentially an interesting area. There are some very good sports scientists at Loughborough University, who probably know...
Arts Council England created several of these, when someone decided that purchasers of arts provision for children & young people (schools,...
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