I need about 9 - 10 hours to get a day I consider one of my best days. I very, very rarely manage this though. And when I do succeed in getting 9...
I was just browsing this site today : https://my-oscar.nhs.uk/ And I clicked on the link for advice on Pain Management. This, unexpectedly, then...
I wonder what's mysterious about it?
This is just an aside, but the way I measure my own fatigue has varied over the years. 1) How long can I hold my arms above my head? I've always...
I don't have studies. But the NHS suggests fasting overnight (for 12 hours) before iron testing :...
Very interesting, but I'm dubious about the iodide suggestion. Low iodine is a cause of hypothyroidism in parts of the world where iodine is low...
1) Does this link help? https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/transferrin-saturation 2) Did your daughter...
One thing I wish would happen with scientific research papers is that authors would do their best to write in as clear a manner as possible using...
This is similar to the comment made by some doctors to people with hypothyroidism on the subject of T3. When some patients had the opportunity to...
According to this page : https://petition.parliament.uk/ there have been 2,770 signatures in the last hour. I like this link because it saves me...
Thanks for the reply and the information. I hadn't realised that it was not guaranteed there will be a debate. This is very depressing. I suspect...
The petition has reached 115,112 signatures at time of writing. This means that parliament must debate it properly, it can't be passed secretly....
It's getting very close - over 96,000 now - it's doubled since I first saw the petition earlier today. :thumbup:
A review from a cardiologist of the meta-analysis posted in the original post in this thread : Fawning Coverage of New Antidepressants Review...
Good idea, and now Done. :)
Just found this on another forum : -------------------------------------- https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/205106 Just found this...
I followed a link from NelliePledge's link, then followed some more links to end up here : http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sqea1l It is a...
And yet my impression of modern life is that ethics are considered to be an optional extra in so many facets of life. The people who are...
Can you remember more details? I would be interested.
Link to whole paper : http://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lancet/PIIS0140-6736(17)32802-7.pdf Comparative efficacy and acceptability of 21...
Separate names with a comma.