Edit: referring to the PwME advisory group who will provide PPI input: There have been lots of instances where institutions that don't understand...
Sadly, I suspect that they will do just fine. With financial support from the Australian NHMRC and ZonMW, that's useful branding. And they are...
Link to the letter written by @sarahtyson and @dave30th: A new paradigm is needed to explain long COVID, Saunders et al 2023 It would be great if...
Welcome to the forum @sarahtyson As a person with ME/CFS and a carer of a son with ME/CFS myself, I am very sorry to hear that that is a...
Can someone on Twitter ask Chantal why the SE's for the T1 and T2 timepoints are the same for CBT and CAU for each outcome? And how they dealt...
Ah, ok. I'll adjust my post above.
If you look at the top lines of that table, the control group stays at 39.9 for T1 and T2. The CBT group gets marginally worse, from 30.6 to...
Table 3, for easy reference [ATTACH]
It is good, but I don't think that chart in that link is quite right. The labels at the top make it look as though 68% is within half a standard...
Just noting those error bars on the chart and in Table 3 are said to be standard errors. I've said before, if a paper plots SE's, then I reckon...
This study received support from the Australian NHMRC and ZonMW - it's not good enough. Table 3 of the protocol has a long list of things that...
Re the actigraph - there should have been objective data on activity levels. There's no mention of the actigraph in the published paper. Both...
The plan was to do a followup at 12 months, but only for the CBT group - which is completely useless. How transparent can you get? CBT doesn't...
Link to the protocol: A randomised controlled trial testing the efficacy of Fit after COVID, a cognitive behavioural therapy targeting severe...
Thanks @Grigor, is there anything about that that you can share? Edit - and when was the study undertaken?
CIS- Subjective fatigue is a subset of the CIS fatigue questionnaire. There are 8 questions, with Likert scales from 1 to 7. e.g. "I feel tired";...
So, the control group were getting instruction on exercise. And the CBT group were getting instruction on how to answer surveys positively...
There are substantial problems with that material, if that is indeed the course being promoted here. I don't support a campaign to get doctors to...
Most of those are looking fine and very interesting. I look forward to hearing about them.
Yes, we haven't seen @Snow Leopard for a while. Hope you are doing ok SL, you are much missed, we could use your knowledge here.
Separate names with a comma.