@dave30th I don't know if you have already done this, but might it not be worth contacting the UK IBS charities to at least alert them of your...
now published in Journal of Affective Disorders Volume 267, 15 April 2020, Pages 307-314 eta:...
Heard on the news yesterday that (UK) passport control staff at airports etc will not be wearing masks as 'it would give the wrong impression'.
interesting to note that on the Coronavirus update site https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries in the 'Total Recovered' column, the...
@dave30th came up with this idea years ago...
"The Human Frontier Science Program is a program of funding for frontier research in the life sciences. It is implemented by the International...
Abstract An increase of multiple sclerosis (MS) incidence has been reported during the last decade, and this may be connected to environmental...
Merged thread Update April 2020 more info on Diagnosis, Treatment and Research (written and audio)...
One of a series of youtube videos Coronavirus Pandemic Update 37: The ACE-2 Receptor - The Doorway to COVID-19 (ACE Inhibitors & ARBs) [MEDIA]...
I disagree with this; this is part of the criteria for 'mild' ME. I would say that those who are moderate are just about able to care for...
The NHS chart that will decide whether you receive ventilation if you need it...
Is the ME/CFS Community About to get Larger? March 23, 2020 Blog by Dr Courtney Craig...
Quite a few of those commenting also don't seem to be aware of the 'Crawley connection'. No one appears to have asked PH if he thinks they should...
see his interview of EC on FITNET...
But doesn't the whole 'herd immunity' thing depend on how long people are immune for? If it turns out to be say three years that's fine, but what...
How is COVID-19 affecting you? Exploring the emotional and physical impact of COVID-19 on adults living in the United Kingdom. The COVID-19 Stress...
and of course actually having a mobile phone
preprint paper referred to Neurological Manifestations of Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective case series study...
Separate names with a comma.