Bacme British Association for CFS/ME 2020 Conference Creative Approaches in CFS/ME Services Exploring evidence-based interventions for working...
CFS/ME National Services Survey Feb 2018 Snap shot audit BACME National Services Workstream Report Published March 2019...
#MEAction just sent an email promoting that:
But the only 'research' they seem to highlight is whatever it is they are doing at Sussex Uni. this page on their site of congratulations is...
Merged thread Help for children with ME – December eta: from JAn 2020...
Am posting this because of this bit: Exactly what can go wrong with strength training This is a list of specific examples of how strengthening...
Online CBT for IBS: Going to be a big money spinner for RMM:...
Again, too many 'some'. Doesn't clearly indicate that the majority of sufferers remain ill/housebound/unable to work. lot of 'boom and bust'...
from other recent outpourings, I strongly suspect that this is all moving towards promoting ACT as the 'therapy du jour', and possibly also the...
re "new biopsychosocial model". hardly new (30+ years) and has yet to be proven to be right, but many aspects of it have been proven to be wrong.
Article Epigenetics and epigenomics have taken center stage for many questions in biomedical research in the last decade. They have moved from a...
Health-related quality of life in patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: an Australian cross-sectional study Abstract...
see Frequent attenders with medically unexplained symptoms: Service use and costs in secondary care...
The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Volume 32, Issue 1 Special Issue: Functional Neurological Disorder January 2020... 16th April Workshop Two Persistent (Medically Unexplained) Physical Symptoms: A Scientist...
To reflect the clear change in direction maybe time to change the name to MCRC or even better MERC?
Separate names with a comma.