I agree. I see little point in being English and sticking to niceties when people are walking all over the rules. I am in medical research and...
It's longish story but to simplify. Feasibility studies are part and parcel of all sorts of research, especially when dealing with inanimate...
Yes, But she does not seem to be in the middle of the feasibilityfest. I see from Virology blog that David has been through all this with a fine...
Yes, but the whole concept of 'feasibility trial' is crap (as David would say).
I forget but I rather suspect she is heavily involved in the 'feasibility' bandwagon.
So who was this reviewer suggesting that the study should be viewed as 'feasibility' and what was the motivation? It sounds like someone with an...
Yes, this is what I was implying! Authors get proofs to read. If they found their study mischaracterised it is up to them to point that out. It...
I think it may be more complicated. Let us say that to have significant benefit from herd immunity interns of risk to the vulnerable we need 80%...
Something a bit murky going on there. No doubt the sleuths will identify what really went on.
It looks meaningless to me.
Derek Phebe has been responsible for high quality epidemiological work in ME and was involved in the setting up of the UK ME Biobank and EUROMENE...
Why not combine it and scrape the face after gorging on dark chocolate? I always do.
The mistake here is to think that somehow regulatory criteria tell you if evidence is adequate. Regulatory criteria about the evidence required...
This is an admission of complete failure to understand both the scientific background and the need for an evidence base for treatment. It reads...
A mask is better at stopping the virus getting in to one particular person who has met virus but that does not mean that a mask is better than a...
It looks to me as if the author has lost it in terms of understanding of what vaccines do. Vaccines have no ability to stop you getting infected....
Think we have seen this before as part of the UCL paediatric service although this may be from the adult service at the Royal Free? The current...
Sorry but history has been rewritten. Thirty years ago a preprint was something you sent people after peer review and acceptance. It was before...
But who does it demonstrate that to, other than us? A rhetorical question.
And no, this is not a preprint. A preprint is a peer reviewed paper that is released prior to printing, as a reprint is released after printing.
Separate names with a comma.