This looks to me like a complete lame duck. The four proposals are the basic minimum that nobody even needs to be told about. What we need are...
Abstract from the citation above. Erythrocytes naturally capture certain bacterial pathogens in circulation, kill them through oxidative stress,...
It is not that red cells act as antigen presenting cells but, as the citation says, that they can carry antigen and pass it to antigen presenting...
I get the impression that Paul Garner may have a significant positive impact within Cochrane as time goes by. To begin with I was not sure that he...
I am not sure it means anything. Antibody levels do not prove reactivation. The other variables tested look irrelevant. The Swedish study looks...
Lazy so-and-so. But no doubt the experts here can help him out.
I agree it has some merit. But the most logical approach I suspect is to get people with ME to stand for extended period to train their deep veins...
They callout a hypothesis but they also say it is a fact (in the title). Science often accumulates wrong hypotheses pushed as facts, unfortunately.
I think you may be confusing the sensation of high pressure in your face and mucous membranes with high pressure in the brain. The skull is rigid...
If you prod a duck, @Trish, you are likely to hear a quack. Like those whoopee cushion things it is always entertaining to prove it is a whoopee...
The point of tests is not to correlate completely with clinical features - they would be valueless if they did. The point is to tell you something...
To be clinically useful you need a measure that is clearly above some threshold that you can regard as normal. Very often that is arbitrarily...
Grow your own lettuce maybe.
@Graham, I think you are entitled to insist on a print out of all your CRP results in the last 6 months. Managing your problem without that is...
I have not seen any indication that testing gives a meaningful indication of the real number of people infected. I work on the basis that...
I am sorry to hear that the problem is not resolving, Graham. Your assessment the situation sounds fair. In my view you need CRP measurements...
I have not gone through all the linked material but I am unclear whether or not this talk of CAT is in the context of ME, or chronic fatigue, or...
The message I get is not good. It seems to be 'don't bother with CBT which is dodgy as PACE shows - go for CAT, which is personalised and...
I don't think the CPET is a valid test of PEM. PEM is an unexplained symptom that may have nothing at all to do with what CPET measures. CPET was...
Separate names with a comma.