There is a lesson here I think - about coincidences. They are uncommon. I was talking to my wife about this Cochrane business and it came to me...
You wouldn't want to clone my knees and my back.
Who would have thought it.
I posted my piece. I wonder if it is visible. Edit: It looks not. I doubt it will but it might be worth her reading it.
I am tempted to write a comment but I am not sure I can summon the energy. If I did it would something like: Dear Selena, It is good to see...
I think the odds must be 50:1 on imported goods. It occurred to me some time back that this would be the Achilles heel of the NZ success. Cold...
I don't really follow the logic of that. Sure, person to person contact has occurred in Aukland, certainly outside the cool store and also within...
My guess is that there is a high chance that this new cluster is due to imported goods, maybe stuff bought on the internet. New Zealand have been...
And what about the next bit? suggests that CBT could be an effective treatment in routine treatment settings. This is quite a climbdown from...
Patients fatigue, physical functioning and social adjustment all significantly improved following CBT for CFS in a naturalistic outpatient...
I am trying to catch up with threads for there days. Just to note that there are no NICE criteria for diagnosis of CfS. Just criteria for when to...
I think that is the flaw in the argument. I do not know precisely but any virus particles that survives long enough to replicate - which is the...
Wasn't that. "We really need to do a whole lot more to make readily available behavioural treatments for #chronic pain more evidence based"
This seems a simple and sensible experiment. I would like to see more complex analysis of patterns during the day but this is a start.
Yes, one event. All you need is one virus particle.
The danger involved in this sort of idealogical approach is clear from the BBC News coverage. Apparently 'chronic pain' of the sort to which the...
It doesn't explain that. I think there are two explanations for the much higher ratio of deaths to cases. One is that the UK deliberately stopped...
I think you imagined that. People are only counted if tested positive. Some may have died of something else later but that probably accounts for...
I suspect that Sweden has the advantage of people being very spread out. Together with people taking things into their own hands I think that...
It seems to be. I think the main difference from the USA responsible for the higher death rate is population density. The UK has one of the...
Separate names with a comma.