I don’t get up til late morning early afternoon 4pm is a pretty good time for me. However if i don’t let myself have a lie in and get up say...
Great numbers, the best :whistle:
53%. With 2 weeks to go.
Specialist input = CFS clinic or service - I suppose he’s going to say that because there’s nothing else but it’s a risk - who knows which covid...
If you do something extra like that you’re going to be at the milder end of ME like me and if you’re lucky enough to have family who will do...
Cheese & butter freeze ok @Hell..hath..no..fury... how do you go about freezing eggs though I didn’t think that was possible?
oh we’re all on tiptoes waiting to read about the new choreographies @Caroline Struthers :whistle:
Agreed @Keela Too I have been outside my home/garden/drive twice in the last few weeks both times to walk round the corner to my relatives house....
La la la La la la Abracadabra oh look I’m better everyone - not
Those dratted perfectionist workaholics who insist on spending all their time resting and sleeping in the daytime??
https://www.ajourneythroughthefog.co.uk/author/jomoss/ Posted this blog by Jo Moss hopefully not duplicating Useful tips on getting shopping...
Same thing for me with social media I feel I shouldn’t be questioning people’s diagnosis but then you see posts where they’re saying they have...
I don’t know if it was this anti malarial in 1999 I went to Sri Lanka the medication was two tablets one type I had to take daily and one once...
This is the number we want to see increasing.
I’ve got a Sainsburys click and collect slot for end of the week. It turns out that it can be collected by someone else for me I just have to...
More tripe. If I’d participated in this ‘sleep study’ and they showed me their conclusions I would be fuming.
Well this gives those of us who are normally able to do a bit of social activity, breaks away, lunch out etc a very worthwhile alternative to put...
Bloody cheek - one is not nervous at all.
tripes a la mode d’edimbourg
Separate names with a comma.