As far as I recall, Rons aim was to develop the technology to, in the long term, save the NIH money (using it to test drugs on particular...
from a recent article in the Guardian re 'recovery' in mental health, links to this article Recovery Model of Mental Illness...
Off-rolling has recently become a buzzword in the world of education. It refers to the removal, by various means, of students from schools’...
you could use #MM to illustrate the false narrative of 'a small vocal group' being opposed to the highjacking of the disease by psychiatry and...
Systemic low-grade inflammation and subsequent depressive symptoms: Is there a mediating role of physical activity? Abstract Objective: Systemic...
[MEDIA] NS Sherlock
[MEDIA] on AfME twitter feed. I don't know anything else.
I hate to say it but, I think we might be stuck with Mild, Moderate and Severe (for now) because of the SNOMED codes (only applies to UK). see Dx...
pussy galore? (aka honor blackman)
Another thing that I think confuses issues is using the word 'recovery' when actually what is meant is 'in recovery' or in other words in...
well, if the researchers don't know then why not ask the patients/participants? On one of the dozens of questionnaires that they have to fill in,...
one of my favourite pics [ATTACH] where is everybody? surfing? or in the pub having a pastie?
One of the things I dislike (there are many) about that scale is the use of Moderate to Mild as the last category, even though they have a...
@Adam pwme has recently done a couple of good short videos; (these two threads also discuss advocacy videos in general)...
Something has been bugging me about the whole issue of the PACE trial and how the findings were/are reported. Yes we know they changed criteria...
Agreed. The key problem is that all 'advice' re 'treatment' is termed as 'rehabilitation', ie getting back to 'normal functioning', whereas it...
I am surprised that no one has looked into why some pwME sleep a lot and others have problems being able to sleep. Or whether this is associated...
In Aug 2018 the MRC said they hoped to make the PACE trial data available on the CSDR within 6-12 months see post here...
[MEDIA] The origins of factitious disorder Richard A. A. Kanaan & Simon C. Wessely
[MEDIA] Simon Wessely will be interviewing Ken Loach (who made the film 'I Daniel Blake'); I wonder if Ken Loach is aware of SWs role in the...
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