blog on BMJs website by Carl Henegan Carl Heneghan Editor in Chief BMJ EBM, Professor of EBM, University of Oxford...
[MEDIA] The BMJ's open data campaign May 13 Fiona Godlee https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-bmjs-open-data-campaign-tickets-60191978829
Bizarrely I found this on MS twitter feed Using evidence to overcome fake news about healthcare a podcast of a shortish lecture by Professor Carl...
Has anyone drawn up a basic checklist of the flaws in PACE that could be used/applied to other trials? eg lack of blinding, only subjective...
it seems to be coming from the angle that CFS/ME is a mental health issue that is stigmatised (like other mental health disorders). The fact that...
changed his tune for this article somewhato_O https://www.gscene.com/news/me-taken-very-seriously/
That's why I don't understand why other researchers/scientists/other interested in scientific integrity have let it go on for so long. The most...
I'm surprised that the makers of Buscopan (often prescribed for IBS/available otc for about £3.50 for 20) haven't launched a 'counter attack' on...
What's going on with the NICE "Suspected Neurological Conditions" guidelines? They produced a draft (2017) but on the project website it says it...
"Some studies are such whoppers that they overpower all other studies – no matter how many of them there are. I call them Hulks. Hulks might never...
I know there is a This is ME Campaign (Ireland) anyone know who are behind this one? Their website: https://thisismeuk.com/ Contact Facebook...
Robert Phair is a member here @RDP he discussed the metabolic trap on this thread...
They did an MRI and found nothing wrong with his spine, but a really bad infection in his brain. He was having seizures. They treated him with...
interesting note: " Article amended on 4 April 2019 Wording in this article has been changed to remove reference to people thinking themselves...
2019 Valedictorian Eva Jazbec | Sierra Nevada College April 12, 2019 https://www.sierranevada.edu/2019-valedictorian-eva-jazbec/
earlier in this thread someone @Suffolkres (?) contacted Jerome Burne. apologies if this has already been posted, but he tweeted re the PACE...
Not a particularly bad article that quotes #MEAction a lot (The Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Action Network). However, I question the bit at the end...
Separate names with a comma.