It would be nice to think the student does read this thread. She may learn some real science. In case she does I will say Hi as a retired medical...
I think these are not unreasonable but I would suggest some variations: 1. Setting aside funding does not in itself get things moving, other than...
My main hope about that project is that if some clinician scientists immerse themselves in the detail of measurement they may get a better grasp...
Indeed, which is why I am sceptical that the solution is to ladle more money through the NIH into projects just for the sake of it.
I think with a big epidemiological study environmental signals would show up despite quite a lot of dilution. As for the GWAS proposal I am much...
It is mostly about recruitment of a consistent cohort of people to study. In the UK the ME Biobank team have seen years developing a consistent...
People who actually want to get an answer, rather than just have a job in a lab or be famous. That has been the reality of science for centuries...
I agree, and random factors in the immune response could come in. Illness would not necessarily show up in everyone in a family. What should show...
I don't have any clear idea. I assume the trigger was some sort of virus but I don't know enough to say more.
That is more like it - and quite witty too.
Anybody could make that stuff up. The more I hear of Wyller the more he seems a dull lightweight. Not even a spark of a mad idea. Just boring drivel.
I don't think anyone even knows what should be measured. We all get exposed to moulds. That may mean being exposed to mycotoxins but that does not...
@MSEsperanza reminded me that a year or so ago I wrote a response to some questions about ME. It is not quite what Andy is asking for but it may...
That is certainly what I have come to think. Both terms have been used and abused.
I am sure that the applicants have all this thought through. Looking at which genes follow an illness within a family is a commonly used...
I guess I would call this a competent physician rather than an ME expert. I accept that diagnoses in GP records or given to patients have no...
My concern over John Chia's immunoperoxidase staining studies has always been that the staining shown in gut looks very much like the artifactual...
How do you define an expert in this situation? Being a clinical expert really can only mean being able to identify an illness that is later...
This sounds like political posturing and jobs for the boys to me. The idea that you could get an 'independent review' on this is laughable. One of...
Excellent. I am pleased to hear you are not using the NUTS-GTI Dolomite Sprint version with limited turning circle.(~Sorry, a degree of levity is...
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