I think that they don't think they can stop the virus without causing complete economic havoc - like all airlines going bust as well as large...
Not so sure. Simon Jenkins in the Guardian says that the current 'fear of illness' may be responsible for another sort of fear that leads to a...
Judging by the blurb for the book Ecclestone is an ignorant nutcase. He also seems to be a senior editor at Cochrane. Embodiment is about the...
'Electrolyte' is used to mean simple elemental ions like sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride. Its meaning is historical in medicine...
Maybe I am being unfair; an anagram of the following- augmented habitual cognitive emotion regulation suggests an...
To misquote Oscar Wilde 'Stupidity may be regarded as a misfortune, to use long sentences full of meaningless words looks like carelessness.'
I agree you want to keep alcohols (probably any of them including 70% isopropyl ) away from naked flames but you don't need to keep meths in a...
Less so but it may be very good practice for when you do need to go out!
I reckon that as long as the cloth smells heavily of ethanol and feels very cold (because ethanol evaporates and cools quicker than water) it is...
Hand sanitisers seem to be sold out but I had no trouble picking up 2 litres of methylated spirit. The traditional kill all steriliser in the lab...
It was a large family party on Saturday. Someone present was identified as an asymptomatic contact of a coronavirus case and tested Monday or...
I doubt that Chris Whitty is intelligent enough to know that there is no way that one could predict or manipulate time course in that sort of way....
If the epidemic is not slowed as much as possible there will be chains of ambulances outside every hospital carrying people for whom there will be...
Skype is relevant for interactive events but would it be relevant here? Most people find it so clunky that they have to be very motivated to use it.
I think there are several problems here. I would be happy to communicate further by personal conversation but I would just flag up here that; 1....
We can do with more of that. I think us old 'uns can probably keep away from this thing with a bit of care. Keep away from chalet cooking,...
I recommend this for a realistic assessment: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/03/icu-doctor-nhs-coronavirus-pandemic-hospitals
The only place where the pandemic is slowing down as far as I know is China, where the streets are empty. In London yesterday they were as crowded...
Yesterday upon the stair I met an illness that wasn't there (According to SF36) it wasn't there again today But Dr Stone will make it go away!
That looks like a political piece from a bureaucrat to me. The wording of the account of the reproduction number actually suggests alack of...
Separate names with a comma.