when will they stop 'researching' the bleeding obvious(?):yawn:
and the mighty Thor [ATTACH]#skoll (been watching too much Vikings)
Defining the minimally clinically important difference of the SF-36 physical function subscale for paediatric CFS/ME: triangulation using three...
we should also remember Not forget Sofia Mirza; her pleas with the psychiatrist and people who forcibly removed her from her home should haunt...
could someone screen save all these Clare Gerada tweets; they might disappear.
Re PACE: "Larun’s position is unsustainable. Clinical trial investigators write protocols so that everyone understands what the goal-posts are....
" Mobilize your Medical Providers to Watch Unrest for Credit We are so thrilled to announce that US healthcare providers – including doctors,...
latest video/article from Insight: Can exercise help manage the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome? Exercise physiologist, Nathan Butler,...
[IMG]Sarah Jenette Knight1,2,3*, [IMG]Jennifer Politis1,4, [IMG]Christine Garnham1,4, [IMG]Adam Scheinberg1,2,3,5 and [IMG]Michelle Anne...
Thread merged " [IMG] Unrest Film Published on Oct 16, 2018 This video on the diagnosis and management of myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic...
Did she read the article? " Tovey confirmed to Reuters that he had made a decision to withdraw the review temporarily, saying this would give the...
Do we know who is on this team?
Maybe the attendees should be encouraged to watch Unrest? In the interview with Per Fink: "Interviewer : Fifteen years ago you were put here to...
Article: " Bioglan homeopathic melatonin Big pharmaceutical companies, or 'big pharma', are synonymous with big medical production, big money and...
Article by Steven Salzberg "A few days ago, a news story in the journal Nature reported that the World Health Organization, which is supposed to...
Started sorting out stuff on my pc and found this letter from White to the Lancet in response to a letter from Prof Hooper in 2011 (don't seem to...
@Andy is it too late to link to Mark Vinks recent publication on problems with Cochrane (ie the bit on the CFQ) in the S4ME CFQ critique?
Maybe that's something to be pushing for a change on(?) The overall Cochrane Group is brain nerves and mind group. Multiple sclerosis and rare...
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