Fear of exercise: Tackling fears about exercise is important for ME treatment, analysis indicates...
The absurdity of it all has been highlighted time and again: "A teenager whose arms and legs were amputated after he nearly died from meningitis...
shame Carol can't wear a little earpiece ( like in spy films ) so you can prompt her from afar.
@Esther12 thanks for the transcript. I never really twigged before that Simon Wesselys missus was also 'in on it'. One of the key things was for...
Am trying to find an original/unedited version of this interview with Chalder (post PACE?) which is putting CFS in with MUS. [MEDIA]
Re: Sharpe's comments about false illness beliefs Just rewatched the video of Chalder (3rd in my post here :...
Trudie Chalder was clearly in demand after PACE: BABCP President Elect: 2011-2012 President: 2012-2014...
just listening now; talks about 'post exertional fatigue' not PEM; interviewer keeps bringing it back to mental health:unsure:, emotional...
I contacted them about it 3 years ago and they said they were looking to re-do it.......hmmm. Also (as I've posted elsewhere) it's interesting...
A similar thing was promised by Damian Green for ESA for chronic conditions, which later transpired would be on a case by case basis but I have...
@dave30th you have been awarded a BOTtoMS (Blocked on twitter by Michael Sharpe) :emoji_medal:
for people on twitter there is a google app (for chrome) 'twitter archiver' or for mozilla 'twitter save' addon;
hope someone is saving all these tweets
anyone mention Camelford yet? Maybe this could be Wessely's Law....
or you could pm him from here as he is a member @Mike Godwin
@dave30th I have not gone into this in any great detail but was looking on the WHO ICTRP http://www.who.int/ictrp/en/ Under trial registration...
"the needs of people who have M.E. and are able, with the right support, to stay in or return to employment." the problem with this sentence is it...
have set up a thread here: https://www.s4me.info/threads/experiences-with-insurance-companies.4634/
Wonder how they would all score on MADS? "The Maudsley Assessment of Delusions Scale (MADS; Wessely et al., 1993) is a standardized interview...
Separate names with a comma.