I think it’s hard to know how many are getting diagnosed with CFS when it should be depression in my case it was the other way round and I think...
This actually made me snort :rofl:
This exact thought.
As DT has mentioned his crowdfunding in some of his more recent blog posts could you just post up one of those and sing his praises without...
Rumpole of the Bailey
I can understand the benefits for researchers when you want to work out what % of the time someone is in pain to ask them to say how many days...
Sending hugs @aza im a similar age to you and I only got diagnosed 3 1/2 years ago. I’ve had neuropathic pain for a few years before diagnosis but...
So she’s Sheffield based @Robert 1973 a colleague of Burton in dept of health research
First thought IBS is on their list of MUS so this isn’t exactly a new idea Second thought they’re lining this up to keep themselves and CFS CBT...
I blame it on the boogie
Nice one. I shared it to local Facebook support group and also to my own small collection of Facebook friends. Some of whom are relatives very old...
@Sarah Oh dear I think I need a break from reading posts i clearly didn’t read/understand properly
@Sarah but CS is coopted and doesn’t have voting rights so he isn’t in the exactly same situation as LN - maybe that’s why he is less restricted.
Far far too many words. I try to be open minded and not picky about petition words being exactly what I would say but as I couldn’t even manage...
Ah yes @shak8 reading about all that symptom focussing and catastrophising definitely increases the blood pressure. Im sure they can come up with...
I was expecting the exchange rate to be closer - now I’ve seen my credit card bill I realise I should have adjusted for that so the second amount...
In black and white that these activity management programmes incorporate CBT and GET AFME and MEAssociation take note this shows the NHS clinics...
OMG @Wonko I saw you were 20 minutes standing in a queue a nightmare on many levels. I hope you manage to do your essential stuff today.
I’ve only ever passed out once and it wasn’t through standing I had a bad cough and was watching a very funny film which set me laughing so hard I...
quantum entanglement sounds like a posh way of saying getting your numbers wrong is that Mandarin for PACE Trial :whistle::whistle:
Separate names with a comma.