What’s the point of binning off Crawley if people like this are still involved?
Except some of them pop up later because they should have been diagnosed with MS or Parkinson’s or cancer. By which time they are likely to be...
Wot @Andy said
I agree but I can still do stuff live alone do all my activities of dailyliving for myself in ME terms it is mild/moderate borderline. But that’s...
I have what’s called mild ME I’ve had to retire from my job, having to sell my house to live somewhere more accessible, moving cities because...
I’m interested to understand something at nursery school level about what their findings about purines mean. I have a very close relative who has...
Those companies/organisations are already delivering generic IAPT CBT and have been doing so at least since 2016 to my knowledge. Here’s the set...
Most likely I’ve said this before but I really don’t understand how MUS CBT panacea mentality can possibly be compatible with the NHS attempting...
I posted above that I use capsules which have a paste in them. I recently tried a sample of the type of CBD that is reckoned to be more helpful...
Sums up the segue from “all your results are normal” to “let’s get you some CBT” perfectly. Because an illness is currently lacking a medical...
:wtf:Oh yes Aunty Clare’s pep talks drink fewer pints and get off the bus s stop earlier. The role play is so fake. You can tell it’s not a...
I’ve not had physio I have Bowen therapy and cranial sacral which are both fairly gentle but help me. I don’t think I can do the survey and maybe...
“Fatigue-like behaviour” :wtf:
Although I wouldn’t have said I had any GI issues at all at first I later realised that I did have some but as with most of my symptoms only...
Does anyone know ME friendly OTs in the U.K. we could send this to. Would be great if there could be a group like @PhysiosforME for OTs.
Hopefully at least a small tsunami.
Well I imagine like RCGP their publishing process is somewhat long winded so possibly we can’t read anything into the time lag???
Yes I have a type of physical therapy called Bowen which is very gentle and I find it helpful. No objection to physical therapy whatsoever as long...
Maybe he is just sick of their inability to see what’s wrong with their work without having it hammered into them.
Oh and @Caroline Struthers
Separate names with a comma.