These cases are so rare and the description so limited that I am not sure they tell us much. The only mechanism I can think of is bone or...
That assumes rational thinking. That may be a precarious assumption. Not expecting something to work is not the same as not being motivated to...
Interesting to see the book review. The book is clearly true crap. Bad philosophy and bad science. They don't even understand causation. Even...
Yes, that was my 'in reality more complicated' bit. I keep being reminded how insightful Keith Geraghty's comments on trial design were. It is...
Yes, now you mention it I remember seeing that as I was checking sources.
This is to a large extent what my grand round presentation was about. I think there is a simple sense in which the placebo effect for healing of...
An odd thought occurred to me in relation to SMILE, which I shall post here since the thread is active. Dr Crawley said she was not expecting the...
I do not understand this. Surgery for CCI is routine in the NHS. Whether or not the patient has EDS I do not think makes any real difference....
I really wish we had some medical documentation of what is happening for patients like this. CCI surgery is available on the NHS.
That sort of thought had crossed my mind too. There is a lot of glib talk about stress causing ME but maybe stress, in the right form, is one way...
I take your point. But there certainly seems to be secrecy around the process in that as far as I know what actually goes on has not been...
I don't think that is an article. It is an advertisement. I cannot see any reason to think what they offer is medically reliable. A reliable lab...
Judging by the website it is a scam set up. Most of the test names are meaningless in medical terms.
There is a mention in the abstract. I think they looked at two trials and found some positive effect.
Who is the chairman of the board then? Edit: seems to be Jay Lippincott
It is a standard part of the general medical assessment that should be the basis of any significant medical diagnosis. The fact that GPs have no...
The angles are objectively defined but nobody actually knows what they mean. Henderson seems to be the chief publisher in the field of...
For me the problem is that we do not have any studies to have more of. So far I have not seen even an informal public comment from anyone...
We had quite a long discussion about this at the other place about five years ago. I don't remember the details. The ACR system is a rather...
I had a look at the 2017 paper quoted - I am afraid this is still the same old muddle between GJH and 'hEDS'.
Separate names with a comma.