I have addressed this specifically in my memorandum to the committee, and repeated it in my summary. The argument aboit helping some people needs...
AP and lateral lumbar spine set traditionally includes SIJ. That is the diagnostic set.
It ought to have the same effect as taking four hours to drink a bowl of rather salty soup, unlikely to last more than afurther hour. I doubt it...
First symptoms can be higher up. None of the imaging techniques alone will categorise everyone correctly I supect. Like all diagnosis it depends...
Low C3 woth antinuclear antibodies is significant. Otherwise I am not sure it helps much.
I am afraid that sounds like bullshit to me. To know that you would need to do a large long term eepidemiology study which I am sure has never...
Actually for a lumbar spinal presentation the rate for B27 is higher than 90%. This really isn't a difficult diagnosis if the presentation is as...
A reasonable questipn but I think defonition of seripus adverse event is alwaysgoing to vary from trial to trial. I thinl this result may indicate...
Ank spond os actually very easy to doagnose for a trained rheumatologist. The physical exam and plain x-ray are nearly always clear cur. B27 is...
I agree that we should congratulate F and M for not only doing an excellent study but for providing a genuine gold standard for me trials. The...
It has always seemed to me likely that a small proportion of people diagnosd with ME/CFS have misdiagnosed autoimmune diseases. There will be a...
The Petwr Rowe article is an example of the same sort of pseudoscidentific confusion. Amongst 300 million people there will be a few with both...
I don't know of any evidence for people with me having neck problems more than anyone else. The doctor in the video is talking in a standard...
This looks like dangerous nonsense to me, I am afraid. Variations on this story have been going for decades and have no basis that I know of....
Well, it seems to include something from Morris in Wales. I guess Theoharides may have been asked to put together a collection of papers or do an...
That sounds just as pointless and barbaric to be honest.
That yes!
Certainly within the UK the motivation for going in to medicine is not money. When I was a boy going in to medicine was considered one of the best...
Yes, the whole thing needs blowing apart. There is not one iota of evidence behind any of this as far as I am aware. It will take time but MUS is...
It is about time I got on to doing that I think. I will be addressing the UCL Department of Medicine about it in May. A little birdie sent some...
Separate names with a comma.