Me:The problem with finding auto reactive T cells is that you can always find them if you cook your samples long enough. This isa bittebchnical...
I have never been sure if performs syndrome is a real thing or a physio's invention but never mind. Pain from pinching the sciatic nerve can...
The problem with finding auto reactive T cells is that you can always find them if you cook your samples long enough. You can only draw...
CD57 is a protein that sits on those T cells that have the ability to kill other cells (cytotoxicity). In general CD57 sits on CD8 T cells rather...
As a member of the steering committee I think I am allowed to say that @JaimeS was not the only one to be worried. Keeping the UK ME Biobank show...
To be fair malingering is not having false or unhelpful beliefs. It is like lying. It is saying you are ill when you believe that you are...
It's that pink teddy bear with a sore head again - where would be without it!
OK, but I didn't read Brian's piece as about PACE but just about the thread of hypocrisy that runs through the whole BPS story. It seems to me a...
“Never let patients know you think ME doesn’t exist and is a disease of malingerers. Never advise an ME patient to make a review appointment”. I...
I do agree with the concerns you share with @fivetowns in principle. However, I think Brian is allowed to over-egg things a little bit here as a...
Not really, I suspect. The inhibitory effect of pain on muscle action is pretty involuntary. With lumbar disc problems there is typically...
I think Brian Hughes is on rather safe ground here. I strongly suspect that the various people we know to have been in that photo prefer to...
Dr. Brian Marien, Founder and Director of Positive Group, specialists in evidence- based programmes to improve psychological wellbeing and build...
So the PACE authors had another competing interest?
But that would fall outside an effective doublespeak. The doublespeak of biopsychosocial is intended to sound impressive and knowledgeable to...
Last time I said something like that I was ticked off by Kina!
The spoon didn't go back in the soup.
Where is this documented? I had not heard of that.
If back pain is psychosomatic, how do people always know exactly where the discs are that degenerate? Why do they always say the pain is in the...
Think (My bold) Aretha Franklin You better think (think) Think about what you're trying to do to ME Think (think, think) Maybe one day Ms...
Separate names with a comma.