We've made a new thread for the discussion about TBI and ME/CFS: Traumatic brain injury - similarities with and differences to ME/CFS, including PEM
I'd argue that it's the stigma of the disease that has been the biggest hurdle to activism, not the debility. Think about people like Michael J...
A new paper Italian intersociety consensus on management of long covid in children, 2022, Esposito et al
USA: News from #MEActionLink to an article on cognitive dysfunction by MEAction. Includes descriptions and tips.
USA: News from #MEAction Link to an article on cognitive dysfunction by MEAction.
The sad fact is that the people who promote these sorts of ideas aren't very very stupid. If they were very very stupid, they wouldn't be such a...
https://www.healthrising.org/blog/2020/06/02/chronic-fatigue-syndrome-lyme-phelix-bacteriophage/ Dominic Stanculescu posted a blog about this test...
(For those wanting more information about that Phelix bacteriophage test, we have a thread on it: New Phage based test for borrelia)
It's possible to make a comment on the study - you just have to register. Clearly, we can't just sit back and wait for OMF to solve ME/CFS for...
A number of posts have been copied to The HANDI Working Group
The thread has been split to create a thread about the Handi Working Group in general: The HANDI Working Group
On the negative side, there's this.
Re the commercialation aspect: The project is a lot like the work of Paul Fisher's team, except that it is using muscle and brain cells derived...
https://impact.deakin.edu.au/2021/08/new-research-to-explore-myalgic-encephalomyelitis-chronic-fatigue-syndrome/ So, one of the three studies...
Yes, the only exception might be for people who are bedbound, where some carefully chosen exercise might help retain function and blood...
Open Medicine Foundation (OMF) Dr Bergquist has been appointed Chief Medical Officer of OMF. More at the link.
Announcement from OMF Feb 2022: https://www.omf.ngo/new-changes-announced-for-omf/ Continuing the Research: New Changes for OMF Announced In...
Open Medicine Foundation (OMF) So, this is not just another speculative paper from a researcher who doesn't matter. This represents the thinking...
Just coming back to add the link: Perspective: Drawing on Findings From Critical Illness to Explain ME/CFS, 2022, Stanculescu, Bergquist
There's an awful lot to unpick in this paper. Taking one statement pretty much at random: I don't know that people with ME/CFS have issues with...
Separate names with a comma.