The problem is that the bar for things being considered 'asshole-y by others' can be very low. For many people, just politely disagreeing with...
For the benefit of those outside NZ, we have the Accident Compensation Corporation that pays compensation to anyone who has an accident. The idea...
Just further on that, in case anyone wanted to respond to Essen University: from the BMJ: Mental disorders are highly prevalent in Germany They...
Or logic. It gets very hard to use the prevalence of psych diagnoses as suggesting something about the 100% when you realise that probably 20%...
Ha, perhaps not have a medical advisor who promotes the idea that there is an ME/CFS personality or that singing in the shower is a useful...
Thank you Samuel. I'd love to think that campaigning to have our human rights recognised would bear fruit. The ongoing stream of terrible papers...
For what it's worth - I looked at my old lab tests. There are 9 measures of my total CO2/bicarbonate, a measure of CO2 in the blood. They all...
And it continues. Cancer patients continue to die, convinced that what they really need to do to get better is to reform their personality. I...
Yes. And I'm saying that that is a problem. They found some people had low end tidal Co2 levels when lying down, before doing the lean test....
There are various versions, generally involving a mask and some with 'nasal prongs' which sound anxiety inducing but are, I think soft plastic...
A number of posts have been moved to Funding of ME/CFS research in the UK
Yeah, just thinking this over, it's hard to feel as though anyone involved in this study is approaching the problem of ME/CFS with any sense of...
Another thing that struck me about the results was the inconsistency. Abnormalities of any sort were only found in 60% of the patients. But, of...
(Apologies, I'm thinking aloud here, in writing. Just trying to understand. I think there have been a number of studies related to hypocapnia in...
There's some 2019 posts about Natelson and Hypocapnia here March 11th CDC Conference Call Also the Systrom paper is relevant Unexplained...
Just in case you were wondering what the scales in the two charts mean, here's the detail from the paper. Note, for the Objective Activity, that...
[ATTACH] Yes, that is quite a result. So, the 'fast responders' thought they were doing increasing amounts of activity after treatment, but...
There's a thread for it here: Physiological assessment of orthostatic intolerance in chronic fatigue syndrome, 2022, Natelson et al Benjamin H. Natelson Jin-Mann S. Lin Michelle Blate Sarah...
Posts about B12 have been moved to the B12 thread Hydroxocobalamin (B12) and folate treatment
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