mentioned by @Binkie4 on another thread " reMEmber [ATTACH] Saturday 12 May 2pm – ME Awareness Conference. Dr Amolak Bansal clinical lead of...
“Our aim is that the WHO and its Member States consult with people affected by M.E., in a transparent and meaningful way, to lead a global public...
bit like a bunch of human rights lawyers starting a band and calling it 'Guantanamo' (?)
It might actually be appropriate in 'their' case: "England's first hospital for the mentally ill. With its somewhat scandalous history it came to...
Maybe next year someone could film them performing then ask them if they wouldn't mind watching the video and answering a few questions?
or recorded/copied and posted all over social media
#MILLIONS MISSING BIRMINGHAM! Friday MAY 11th 2018 St Philip's Cathedral Square Birmingham 12 noon - 3pm Come and join us! *Messages for shoes...
#MillionsMissing Visibility Action: Liverpool, UK Starts on Saturday, 12 May 2018 at 11:30 AM Ends on Saturday, 12 May 2018 at 2:00 PM...
[ATTACH] We hope you can join us – in person, on social media, or by sending shoes we can lay out on your behalf (or just a label, we can provide...
Is there anything that those of us who cannot attend any of the organised events could do online? I imagine all those on twitter and FB will be...
I was a bit confused at first as when I went into 'reader view' on this link, the title of the article was " Women Suffer Worse Migraines Than...
I've found a few more references; Bedlam appear to perform quite regularly at the BABCP conferences:...
At first I thought this might be Simon Wesselys stage name, but no "Zeeteah Silveta Massiah is a Barbadian-born British singer particularly...
I thought this must be a joke but................. [ATTACH] "27 Mar 2018 - BEDLAM are a 14-piece band with several members from the BABCP...
Although the project is supervised by Dr Daniels, the Lead Researcher for this project is Samantha Lloyd. She co-authored this: Corrigendum to...
Not a million miles away plus : Esther Crawley "She set up and leads the Bath specialist CFS/ME service for children based at the Royal United...
"You will receive a £10 voucher and contribution towards travel as a thank you for taking part in the study." you might even get a free shopping...
Ok so the shopping bag study may be low cost but still a typical example of the rubbish they are 'researching'; what about £1m on FITNET? Not to...
Would be good if when highlighting lack of investment in research they raise the issue of where the little money available is going......... ie...
Separate names with a comma.