"Why do we know so little about M.E.?" I very much doubt (seeing that AfME seem to be key participants in this programme) that he will get the...
" For the PACE trial, the cognitive-behavioural interventions were not intended as adjunctive therapies to assist patients to adjust to their...
if you do a search on 'nice guidelines exceptional review' it comes up with loads. (I haven't looked through them).
I haven't looked but the current revelations about use of vaginal mesh implants is one to watch and see what they do. The guidelines appear to...
"Scientists at the University of Nottingham are enlisting the help of 'pillownauts' to push back the boundaries of space travel in a new study to...
@dave30th :emoji_trophy::emoji_clap:
2521 signed next target 5000
Long piece (from last year but republished) "Myalgic encephalomyelitis sufferer Anne Brennan writes about her long, painful, frustrating battle...
hmm indeed. "We often get asked for a good explainer of what ME is. The best we’ve found is this from Action For ME which is pretty...
It's catching on......... https://www.facebook.com/KatArtIllustrations/
"Fibromyalgia/CFS patients fighting for awareness of career-ending illness For years medical profession has questioned if fibromyalgia or chronic...
Slightly different analogy; oil well fire.........you can keep trying to put out the fires from all the oil spewing all around but until you shut...
see thread: https://www.s4me.info/threads/itv-channel-news-living-with-me-gary-burgess-shares-his-story.2574/#post-47031
"Just one example of this is GET; the question posed by the York team looked for papers on ‘GET and ME/CFS’, it did not however search for papers...
Coming up later; programme on now (12-2pm). Medical: Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis The rare autoimmune disease left reporter Richard...
started a new thread on this: https://www.s4me.info/threads/protest-against-iapt-therapies-march-21st-2018.2630/
Raised on another thread. https://dpac.uk.net/2018/02/protest-against-iapt-therapies/ I have mixed feelings about this. "The Alliance for...
LP for the elderly might be fun.........make a change to bingo
thanks. No I get that, and have read a few of those, but psychiatrists seem to be involved in a lot/most of the psychological 'research' (whereas...
https://www.psych.ox.ac.uk/research/psychological-medicine-research-pmr " The Psychological Medicine Research group moved to Oxford from Edinburgh...
Separate names with a comma.